wogma rating: Don't bother (?)
I dedicate this review to all those readers who have given me feedback…
For those readers who want me to write about the story - The basic premise of the plot is that a sportsman cannot focus on his game if he is in love. How lame is that? You want more? The other premise is - in a marriage, if a spouse is idle, his/her devilish brain has to think that the partner is being unfaithful. Doesn’t matter how madly they were in love, just ten screen-minutes ago!
Do I need to talk about performances when Puneet Issar is the best deliverer of dialogues? The cameraman refuses to hold the camera in one position, almost through the whole movie. And for the very few times he does, there is nothing happening on the screen, everyone is still for melodramatic effect.
This is for those of you who have been asking me for shorter reviews. So what, if I bored myself for two-plus hours, it is not worth my readers’ time to read a longer review than this. But, don’t get used to it, not all movies can possibly be this bad!
- meeta, a part of the audience
So-So, by Neha Kewal, Apun Ka Choice : ...Sohail Khan gives a brilliant performance.... full review
So-So, by Taran Adarsh, IndiaFM : ...his handling of the emotional, tense and thrilling moments in the film will leave you spellbound... full review
Thumbs down, by Sameer Wadekar, Glamsham.com : ...Those hardly look as boxing wounds, instead it looks a cupful of tomato ketch-up being been splashed on their faces... full review
Thumbs down, by Priyanka Jain, Rediff : ...One did not go expecting great performances by you or Sneha, but you were below even those expectations... full review
Thumbs down, by Nikhat Kazmi, Times of India : ...puts you to sleep with its insipid ghoulash of college daze, teen pregnancy, Rambo-Rocky craze, rich-poor divide and mid-twenty's emotional haze... full review
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Yay! Thumbs Up, by cheap uggs australia : good
Yay! Thumbs Up, by Hindilyrics4u.co.in : Tamillyrics.co.in is a comprehensivw website for all tamil songs lyrics
Yay! Thumbs Up, by Rumah Minimalis
This page has additional observations, other than the ones noted in the main review.
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