wogma rating: Don't bother (?)
Mystery of a possessed goody-good girl builds up to a lame backstory. This is only the excuse to show some disgusting kind of gory horror.
Read moreAnother month, another horror flick from the Bhatt camp. And this one doesn't make me look forward to it. Fortunately, this time around it is for the right reasons. It is not because I will end up laughing more than getting horrified but actually there is a good chance that I will get that genuine crawl under my skin which I so hate. It looks like an overall good job of atmosphere, acting, make-up and directing.
There was this other thing that bothered me in 1920, its take on religion. This angle seems to be missing from this film, at least from what is seen in this one trailer. But, I guess it would be foolish to expect any resolution of a ghost without a hand of religion. I just hope it is a more balanced take.
Besides that, Aftab Shivdasani shows up after a longish time, but looks like he will only be playing second fiddle to the ghost played by Tia Bajpai. With this cast, we do know that there will be barely any similarity with its predecessor and the 1920 in the name is either for using the following that might have been gained by the first film or complete lack of creativity.
Since, everything that comes out of the Bhatt camp, especially in this genre is pretty much the same, I am not expecting any dynamism in the story. Even the music seems to be once again typical of what one gets from the Bhatts. The visuals though look like they will engage (even if not in a way I enjoy the most).
Music Reviews:
Milliblog - "Blah Bhatt music template."
Bollywood Hungama - "3/5"
Bollyspice - "3.5/5"
- meeta, a part of the audience
My usual problem with horror films made in the Bhatt fashion is there seems to be no underlying theme other than revenge. Given that, the story is predictable - good vs evil spirit. Scary faces and noises scaring the daylights out of badly made up women, some loophole hocus-pocus and ta-da evilness of the spirit is taken care of. With 1920 Evil Returns, there is no revenge per se, but the premise for the spirit to be evil is so lame that revenge looks like at least a plausible reason for nastiness.
The buildup towards the mystery of what might be the cause for Smriti's (Tia Bajpai) situation is slow and relaxed. While the mystical way it is done in is just about alright, it crumbles down within a few minutes and a voiceover reading out a letter, in a very unengaging fashion. And like one would expect, the writers don't seem to care what causes the spirit to cause so much harm, as long as they get to write down their contorted imagery of a haunting spirit.
The imagery though is brought out well by the combination of Tia Bajpai, the special effects team and the make-up artists. Aftab Shivdasani is appropriately restrained and confused, thus expressionless and Vidya Malavade is extremely superficial in expressing herself.
Tia Bajpai on the other hand, must have been exhausted mentally, physically and maybe even emotionally after some of the scenes in which her character is possessed. But then, when she is not possessed, Tia's dialogue delivery is annoyingly honey-coated. So much so that you wished the parts where she was possessed were back, at least then you can feel sorry for her.
Anyway, for a person who likes the thrill provided by horror, the last half hour of 1920 Evil Returns might be well worth the time spent on the film. To me it was just the disgusting kind of gory.
However, I did like the basic concept of the evil spirit taking advantage of its body's sudden death and the means it uses to express how much hatred it feels inside. But too little too late. Those are concepts that can actually be explored in another story.
I also liked how the possessed is out in the clear right in the beginning and there is no time spent in building up that aspect of the standard evil-spirit horror film. But, the writers got lazy and just wrote a turn of events which brought everything back to square one. Such a shame, again.
Creaking doors, background music that builds up and climaxes, extra sweet, innocent lady possessed by a evil spirit who just won't let go - yep these and many more standard ingredients of a horror film trying hard to scare. It doesn't really scare, but it does get repulsive in some parts.
- meeta, a part of the audience
Thumbs up, by Aakash Barvalia, MoviezADDA : ...is a directorial debut of Bhushan Patel, and he had certainly made an impression by taking one of the most difficult genres and handling it in a brilliant manner.... full review
Thumbs up, Star Blockbuster : ...Another successful horror story from Vikram Bhatt’s camp, resembling old horror films which will keep the investors happy.... full review
Thumbs up, by Renuka Vyavahare, Times of India : ... Vidya Malvade has no great role, but she is good at what has been given to her.... full review
Thumbs up, by Resham Sengar, Zee News : ...promises to keep you hooked and booked with all its frightening moments... full review
So-So, by Taran Adarsh, Bollywood Hungama : ...the writing that vacillates between engaging and yawn-inducing moments.... full review
So-So, by Ravi Kandala, fullhyd.com : ...If the movie manages to scare you even one bit, it is definitely due to Tia Bajpai. The girl can't act to save her life in the mushy/romantic scenes, but watch out for her when she acts possessed. ... full review
So-So, by Sonia Chopra, Sify Movies : ...Dialogue has the usual old school quality that is reminiscent of Bhatt films. ... full review
Thumbs down, by Priyanka Kapoor, Apun Ka Choice : ... Tia Bajpai must have gone through a real grind playing the girl possessed by an evil spirit and for that she wins your admiration. ... full review
Thumbs down, by Bobby Sing, Bobby Talks Cinema.com : ...Both Aftab and Sharad Kelkar fail to impress mainly due to the lackluster roles given to them and Vidya Malvade simply stands wasted. ... full review
Thumbs down, by Latika Payak, Bollywood Life : ...So in the end we would just like to say – watch the movie for…ummm….maybe some general knowledge on evil spirits?... full review
Thumbs down, by Rony D'Costa, Desi Martini : ...1920 evil returns will scare you out of the theatre that is if you are brave enough to enter one. ... full review
Thumbs down, by Devesh Sharma, Filmfare : ...We would have forgotten and forgiven the lax pace, the hotchpotch screenplay and shoddy editing if Tia Bajpai was scary and/or sexy. That she is neither is the main flaw of the film... full review
Thumbs down, by Martin D'Souza, Glamsham.com : ...My only suggestion to Vikram Bhatt is that if he is spending so much money on the production of a film, he should also consider getting a damn good scary story. ... full review
Thumbs down, by Divya Solgama, Gomolo.in : ...Tia Bajpai looks simple and starts well but once she gets possessed her performance looked fake and forced. She tries very hard to make an impact, but ends up being hilarious... full review
Thumbs down, by Swati Deogire, In.com : ...This movie is a good bet for students who want to bunk their early morning lectures, as it's not preachy and could help give their brains a rest. ... full review
Thumbs down, by Vivek , India Entertainment : ...the actors come together to only spoil the broth some more.... full review
Thumbs down, by Shubhra Gupta, indian express : ...The theatre was awash with 'hasne ki awaaz’. Bwahahaha. ... full review
Thumbs down, by Roshni Devi, koimoi : ...Vidya Malvade disappoints as Karuna and she looks she’s performing in a school play. Sharad Kelkar is aptly malevolent.... full review
Thumbs down, Movie Talkies : ...The horror, over here, lies in the script. ... full review
Thumbs down, by Mansha Rastogi, Now Running.com : ...neither engages you nor scares you... full review
Thumbs down, by Rohit Khilnani, Rediff : ...The soundtrack, the background score and even Bhushan Patel's direction, nothing comes together to save this film.... full review
Thumbs down, by Swati Rohatgi, STARDUST : ... Aftab Shivdasani does a fairly decent job as a glum, lovelorn poet... full review
Thumbs down, by Rahul Desai, Upper Stall : ...Malavade is recipient to his most priceless gems, often repeating herself to make sure she hasn’t misunderstood her lines. ... full review
visu_g: 1920 evil returns. Movie is Good. Not a strong story but all d actors gave their best. BG score, music r big assets. Direction not up d mark
utkarshh99: 1920 evil returns is awesome......and nOw my bEst horror film...great actress yar Tia vajpei hats off......
Tutejajoginder: My review of 1920 - Evil Returns - An entertaining suspense tale http://www.indiaglitz.com/channels/hindi/review/16712.html
sunyy7: just now finish, '1920 Evil Returns' ,, i would love 2 C again,,mysterious movie...everybody should see it.excelent music...luck of EmraanH.
sunnytandon1: 1920 evil returns awsm movie .... 1st par was ok nd after interval jst brilliant ......4/5.....dont miss it !
SriSuryaSpeaks: Saw 1920 evil returns a frightening movies realy nice enjoyed seeing with frnds . Gn every1.
Sniky_d7_: #1920 Evil returns is nice movie
shariqueu4: 1920 - Evil Returns such a nice movie....aswame role Tia Bajpai,.....
sanju_pj: 1920 evil returns Totally horror and nice movie
rbnmishra: 1920-evil returns......nice movie...everybody should go n watch once!!!!
PrashantGosavi3: I saw your movie Today 1920 evil returns ..now im your follower on Twitter and Fan Of Urs..nice Movie and Gr8 performance..Bst of Luck....
pankaj8044: Enjoying 1920 evil returns faddu movie
nishantsingh500: Watched 1920 evil returns with raj and rajat....an awesome movie...must watch...will taste much better if go in group
niresha_k: What a great movie. Always loved ur. Not a scary movie person but had to watch 1920 evil returns cos u are there. Great acting@aftab_ps
myfist4innocent: 1920 Evil Returns is hella scary. Must Watch Movie.
movieROCKstar: 1920 Evil Returns is scary : Movie Review: The film is a good horror work from the house of Vikram Bhatt which s... http://bit.ly/Yh8yBP
mayankkhoba1: enjoying 1920 Evil Returns Official with Yogesh Gupta Nishant Bhardwaj & Vivek Mavi ...... awesome movie .......... M2K, Rohini :D :D :D :D
loveme_followme: Watched 1920 Evil Returns with Ricky Thakur Awesome movie...
k4khas: 1920 evil returns amazing movie
JassPreetHayer1: watched #1920 #Evil #Returns....the film succeeds in bringing the chills down the spine..#Tia deserves accolades for job wonderfully done.!!
JaiswalAkarsh: 1920-Evil Returns Rockss!!
hiteshm418: 1920 evil returns awesome movie......
guru_patel: Watched.... 1920 Evil Returns Official Very Nice Movie !!!!
GasolinaGangsta: 1920 eViL reTurNs ...aWesmE mOviE iN "d.h.u.n.k.i" :.. ...
fundoofun: 1920: Evil Returns is good for horror lovers: Film: 1920: Evil Returns; Rating: *** After delivering a success... http://bit.ly/TjlbrP
emraanhashmi786: Pre-Diwali days notwithstanding,1920-Evil Returns off to a flying start!No top stars,just the 1920 brand and Vikram Bhatt's brand of horror.
Dreameta4: 1920 Evil Returns is a super hit !!!
DonyaPatel: #Celebrity My family enjoyed 1920 - Evil Returns Aftab http://dlvr.it/2QR73j #BollyWood
djhemang: 1920 Evil returns ♥
DileepBatra: Review: 1920: Evil Returns - this won't disappoint you
DGUNFATHOMABLE: Just watched 1920 evil returns. Fucking awesome movie. #bollywood #1920evilreturns #movie
brij1257: 1920 evil returns kya movie h super.......
Beingsekharkar: 1920 evil returns......wat a muvy...it has d edge of fear......aftr a long tym m satisfied wid sequel of ne muvy
BeingNagarwala: 1920 evil returns Awesome movie
baba1582: What a movie made by vikram bhatt It's really a scary movie ''1920 evil returns''
arka1162: Today Saw "1920 Evil Returns" ......Gud Movie....
ankitvansariya: 1920 Evil Returns nyc story bt nt that much horror....:P :P All over mv is gud.... :) :)
AmardeepSarkar: 1920 evil returns... a must watch movie guyzz... wat an acting by Tia Bajpai..!! best of all bollywood horror movies...
Ajeethacker: 2day watched 1920 Evil Returns Official movie 1st day 1st show wid some 1 special njod id alot bht maja kiye
ahmed2ik: very superb film #1920.evil.returns @twinklebajpai @aftab_ps superb act aftab welcome back!!!!
9920752801: nice movie 1920 evil returns..
premthelove: 1920 – Evil Returns has enough chills and thrills to entertain the audience ***
praveen_lala: 1920 Evil returns is a good one time watch for the fans of this genre.. Avrg frst half,better secnd half,decent direction,good acting by Tia
NiladriD: 1920 Evil Returns ..A watchable horror movie with a good presentation n Awesome performance by Tia Bajpai.could have been more scary though.
NikhilBhangale: Dialogues r pathetic. But 2nd half is decent gives a feel of The Exorcist.. !! #1920 - evil returns...
manoj_seth: 1920 evil returns.... one time watchable :)
journokaran: Watched 1920 Evil Returns in morning ! Remake of 1920! Nothing new ! One-time watch !
intweetz: 1920: Evil Returns is just about watchable -> http://bit.ly/SwgQBE
GulaabiAakhein: Watched 1920 - Evil Returns ! It's quite tolerable ! Definitely Not a Bad movie ! Timepass stuff ! 2.5 stars
chitriyala: 1920-Evil Returns Movie Review: 1blog.in Rating 2.75/5 - One Blog: http://www.1blog.in/2012/11/1920-evil-returns-movie-review-1blogin.html#.UJOwqtP5WYs.twitter
AnujaCute13: 1920 evil returns! Not bad!
whitefeather101: 1920-evil returns not good as first part.....#movie
Vodkaalicious: Saw '1920 evil returns' today.. I shudn't have.. o.O
thetypicalakar: 1920-evil returns,another movie I endured only till the interval. The long list continues to grow. #myexperimentswithsuperflops
tbhamare: i advice for ppl that please dont go for 1920 evil returns....its jst a kind of comedy movie,...1920 was much better than this part...
soumyadeepn: 1920 evil returns wuz a sheer disappointment. Dramatically comedy..
simplycomplexEV: Mai hamesha sabki baato mai aa jaati hu..dekho aaj maine kya kiya.. 1920 evil returns dekhli.. :/
siddharthaalam: I'll give 1920: Evil returns ½*...Freaking Bad Movie in the name of Horror! Returned home with a headache! Wonder how it grossed 4Cr.
shivpink: 1920 evil returns- looks like vikram bhatt has lost it, the earlier part was way better.
sheemataji: 1920 Evil Returns suckxxxx big time
Sharanpriyan: 1920: Evil Returns-definitely not for Horror movie lovers,second half of d movie will definitely keep you... http://fb.me/1JSCNRuH8
Saurabh2409: Award for The Most Wahiyaad Movie Of The Year goes to.... "1920 - Evil Returns"... :D :P
saravagi: 1920-Evil returns. #ChutiyaMovieOfTheYear
rushijogle: 1920 evil returns 3rd class movie
rozariocrispin: Dont forget 2 catch the best comedy of the season:) 1920 Evil Returns-https://t.co/EXLj4rEl via @RealReviewShow #RealReview Episode2 #fb #in
RoshniThankaraj: 1920 evil returns! Omfg! Never seen such a funny film! :D
roshikhanna: 1920 evil returns BAKWASS movie... no Horror dnt watch...
rjrahil: Bollywood grow up on horror flicks please, they give serious competition to our comedy ones !! 1920 evil returns big let down!!
rhusinism: just saw 1920 Evil returns. not as good as part one. But @twinklebajpai did a brilliant job.
prathamkumar: 1920 Evil returns.... max rating 2.5 , not so good to watch...
PavanSurvi: 1920 Evil Returns - Boring one.. If you are someone who likes to watch horror films, then this is definately not your cup of tea - 1.5/5
PathakAparna: #1920: Evil Returns dint scare me. B-) That's because I dint find any horror scenes. :D :p
mumtazahmad123: 1920 evil returns is not a good taste for us it is just like a serial of doordarshan......
mayan3100488: 1920 evil returns....the worst u can ever imagine......but thanks to egg roll n momos...it heal my wounds... :P
marudhurikishor: Yesterday ni8 saw 1920 EVIL RETURNS not so gudddd......... :-P
manoOol_Shaikh: 1920 evil returns was just so worst -.-
MandarJain: 1920 evil returns. Bakwas evil. Why dont u leave film industry aftab for god sake pls.
kshah0171: 1920 - Evil returns sucks , waste of money , uselesss !
justlikecrap: 1920 evil returns is probably the most cliched horror movie ever!
junemason74: Review: 1920: Evil Returns is not scary at all: Even if you are a fan of horror movies, this one is not somethin... http://bit.ly/YoHjVT
JohnnyCruise2: 1920 is far way better than 1920-Evil Returns
jaspreetnandre: 1920 - Evil Returns is such a disaster.. Comedy superseded the Horror. Waste of time!
its_Mehul: If u love n respect Horror movies then kindly do not watch 1920 Evil Returns !!
imrealAshu: Watched 1920 Evil Returns 2day. Theoretically I shld've scared but practically ive laughed a lot ovr typical old hindi dialogues. #Bollywood
GowdaBSBharath: Movie Review : 1920: Evil Returns :: http://bit.ly/Rw7CHi :: @devscribbler says: The evil should have stayed back in 1920@phalanetra
GKranthi: The Only scary thing in 1920 Evil Returns is that it stars Aftab Shivdasani and Vidya Malvade! It's over the top idiotic & gross!! #ItSucks
getanis20: 1920:Evil returns.....and boredom prevails.... :(
Filmy_Pandit: Short review of 1920 evil returns - Scary few times but Funny all the time!!!
Fauziakhan: 1920-evil returns..awful movie
ET24HOURS: 1920 Evil Returns Movie Review - Movie rating 2/5 1920 Evil Returns Movie Review: Couldn't carry the 1920 scariness http://entertainment24hours.blogspot.in/2012/11/1920-evil-returns-movie-review.html
divyang9696: Boaring movie 1920 evil returns
Dipika_B: 1920 Evil returns has been watched.. And well the evil is not to be seen. Definitely preferred 1920 to this.
deogire: 1920: Evil Returns is funny than spooky. Read my review of another horror flick from Vikram Bhatt's stable- http://t.in.com/btSR
DabanngBoy: Luv Shuv Tey Chicken Khurana & 1920 Evil Returns are both Chutiyapa Movies..Its Sad Celebs are giving positive reviews just for Goodwill :-(
Choti_dubey: Saw 1920 evil returns.I still wonder how did i manage to survive in there for 2 hours. 1920 was far better than the sequel.
chetanp47825052: 1920_evil_returns bakwass movie
BSNLLiVE3G: 1920 - Evil Returns review: 1920 Evil Returns is yet another needless horror film. It's cold and bland. Read... http://fb.me/10DY600L3
BolegaGossips: 1920-Evil Returns, leaves you simply disappointed! http://ow.ly/eZpXu
bharat00: 1920 Evil Returns - is cliched with lots of grunting and groaning - better avoid it !
avni_137: Watched '1920-Evil Returns' today. It was not as scary as I expected it to be :P
APGoel: 1920 Evil Returns: The most hilarious movie I hv seen in 2012. I started making evil sounds in the theatre. It was one of a kind experience.
alka623: 1920 evil returns Bakwaas movie... Lets see Skyfall tomorrow
aks_hai: 1920: evil returns ka genre "horror" sey "comedy" kar dena chahiye !
aditya_grover: 1920 - EVIL RETURNS [Movie Review] (1.5/5) Reviewed by: ADITYA GROVER “1920 - Evil Returns” is inscrutably... http://fb.me/1oK6enssL
aayushwolvie: While 80 % of the movie was laughable 1920 evil returns seemed to b a poor attempt like a c grade hollywood horror flick....
AakashMohata: 1920 Evil Returns is the worst horror movie i have ever seen. A piece of shit.
This page has additional observations, other than the ones noted in the main review.
Comments (7)
Seems like Bhatt productions are stuck with doing horror films after the success of Haunted, Raaz 3....
nothing really great about them.... About 1920 I havent seen it yet... hope not like Bhoot Returns
@silvan I hope so too.
As I said in your review of 1920, Meetu, the religious angle didn't bother me or any of my pardesi friends at all. In fact, it added some richness to the story, and was ultimately a hopeful view of religion and faith - and the power of love to conquer even supernatural evil.
It's Halloween in the United States, so we're going to watch RAAZ next Sunday. This past Sunday there were only a few of us thanks to both a sore throat going around and people trying to get home in the face of what our news media is calling "Frankenstorm"(!). So instead of a horror movie, we watched TOH BAAT PAKKI! - which was too dull to be horrifying, or much of anything really....
@TimELiebe I had a strong feeling you'd be leaving a comment on this one :) Like I said, I personally have a difficult time watching any kind of blind faith in action. Again, hope all is well at your end.
Meetu there seems to be a pre conceived notion among the makers that sucn cheap scary discarded films might result in good revenue. Anyways they are going to enjoy profit and audience feedback and critics verdict aren't their concern.
@guddu well, we do our bit :D
@guddu - oh, there are always plenty of suckers around who will give a horror movie a chance, no matter how stupid it probably is!
Like, uh ::raises hand sheepishly:: me....
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