Watch Movies to Win Movies!

by meeta | 1 comments | 16,563 views | Add comment

Whether or not you are caught in the exam fever, it hits the cinema freak in you! You are kept away from theaters because there are barely any releases in this season. And pretty much no 'high-profile' films.

wogma brings you a 'Beat the Exam Lull' Contest!

Watch Movies to Win Movies

So, dust off that 'to-watch' list. Watch a movie you have wanted to watch forever and -

  • Write a 100-word-or-less word facebook update or note before March 6th, 2013.
  • Tag [wogma's facebook page -]( "wogma facebook page").
    • You do not need to 'like' our page to participate. Not that we will mind if you do like [wogma's page]( "wogma facebook page"). ;)
    • Make sure you have tagged [wogma's fb page]( "wogma facebook page"), else we will not know you have participated in the contest!
  • Publicize your post. Share it with your friends. And we will share it with our followers.
  • The post with most likes from your friends and our readers will win an unlimited movie streaming service valid till 31st March, 2013 from [BoxTV]( "BoxTV") (a service recently launched by TimesGroup).
  • Only posts published on or before 11pm (IST), March 6th, 2013 will be valid.
  • Winner will be announced and receive the [BoxTV]( "BoxTV") code in their facebook inbox by 2pm (IST) on March 7th, 2013. So, 'likes' received until 2pm (IST), March 7th, 2013 only will be valid.
  • You may watch a video through the BoxTV Service only in geographic locations where BoxTV services are offered. The content that may be available to view will vary by geographic location. BoxTV may use technologies to verify your geographic location.

So, watch, write and get a chance to watch more!

- meeta, a part of the audience

Comments (1)

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Rasel Rony:

Nice contest, going to participate. Thanks for sharing.

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