Why Wogma?

by meeta | 6,484 views | Add comment

Over two years ago, before I wrote my first opinion on a movie here, I struggled with the question - "What gives me the right to comment on anyone on his/her job? Be it Amitabh Bachchan or an assistant director of a little known movie? aakhir, main kis khet ki mooli hoon? (best translation - After all, who am I?)."

Over the past two years, this question that I asked myself has been echoed by various readers in the comments space. From "she knows nothing, she should stop" to "who asked for your opinion?" and the flattering "how much are you paid by the makers for such praise?"

The answer is simple. These movies are made for me - for me as a regular, common part of the audience. And I want to jot down my delight, angst, exhilaration, frustration. I certainly don't have the expertise to comment on what needs to change and how. But, I can and want to articulate why I enjoyed a movie that others thought was a complete waste. It’s nice to be able to vent when a movie I thought was crap goes on to become a record-breaking grosser. And when there's no tide to swim against I want to join the euphoria or the flogging.

Call it passion - for movies, for organizing my thoughts on why something clicked or didn't in the movie. Or call it the need to raise my squeaky, little voice to tell them the kind of movies I'd like to watch. Me as a part of the audience who likes being told stories visually. As a part of the audience who likes the maker's insights on life, society, relationships, individuality. As a part of the audience whose thoughts don't mind being provoked. As a part of the audience that's tired of being asked to be brainless. It is possible, really. Try us.

Whether it's the biggest stalwarts of the industry or the never-heard-of strugglers, they look for our nod - the regular, common part of the audience - including those who claim to make movies for themselves. We wouldn't have heard the phrase "we make it for ourselves" in the first place, if they really made it for themselves, right? Why would they need to explain anything to anyone, let alone us, their audience?

They are eager to know whether we liked what they've worked so hard on creating. Most of them want an opinion - positive if possible, negative to be scoffed upon - but they want to know. So, here is mine.

Almost as soon as the germ of wanting to write reviews crept in, the title of the folder on my computer was ready, "without giving the movie away". At that point I had no idea where these reviews were going to appear, if at all. But, what I knew was, whatever I write won't have more than a line or two about the story, and that too indirect references.

This is where that strong sentiment arose from -

I love watching movies (just incase you hadn't figured that out yet). And felt deeply deprived when I didn't get to watch every movie that came out - I'm sure it's a disease with a name and all. Now, the "better half" wouldn't watch a movie without good reviews. And *ahem* I didn't like reading reviews *ahem* *ahem*. Wait, that had a reason - I'm fanatic about not knowing anything about the story before watching a movie and there's a dearth of articles on movies that don’t talk about plots in detail.

Also I had had enough of missing movies I wanted to watch. I didn't dare to walk in a theater without company lest I be socially shunned as a loner, not to mention maniac. Only one thing could have legalized watching movie-after-movie alone. And my dear wogma gave me that. Clever, eh? How about you? Does reading the plot bother you too? Or does the missing story in an article about the movie bother you more? - meetu, a part of the audience

- meeta, a part of the audience

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