Why the dress-change?

by meeta | 8,041 views | Add comment

Why the dress-change? To all the lovely regular readers - yes, yes, it’s the same site, stay on. There's lot more to hang around for. Dearest first-timers, welcome here - we are prettier and meatier, all to turn you into regulars. And subscriber hun-ney, do check out the changes. I'm sure it'll be worth the extra click. I have all of you to thank, for inspiring this change. There were recurrent complaints from readers -

  • Lose the orange already! This is what the old site looked like -old site
  • The name is waaaay too looooong.
  • Cover more movies.
  • Can't search through all articles easily.
  • Write more essays.

It was high time I addressed those. Not to mention, I wanted more readers and 'wogma' needed more exposure. Then, the "types" of articles started increasing too. And, I wanted to have much, much more content. The earlier design didn't have room to maneuver around. The articles needed more organization and I wanted to add a lot more features.

Just when I'd taken a computer programming manual in hand to handle all I wanted to do with 'without giving the movie away', Adtiya from Media Sphere communications came into the blog's life with a plan to rejuvenate the site and make it a richer experience for the reader. The team at MediaSphere will also help me reach out to more people. Hopefully, our efforts together will make this a sustainable effort financially too.

As you can see I've started with bidding a sorrowful adieu to the orange hue. And voila, the abbreviated name, 'wogma' is now official. Logo and all! The content will certainly be more organized. And we are in the process of getting more writers to cover more regions and aspects of the cinematic world.

I'm sure there will be a few hiccups as is with all things new. But, once we have settled down look out for more and more new features. As always, looking forward to your feedback, comments and well-wishes.

Meanwhile, wogma wants to know - What do you think of my new dress? Do I look pretty? And smarter? Tell me, tell me...

- meetu, a part of the audience

- meeta, a part of the audience

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