Nominated for the indibloggies awards!

by meeta | 3 comments | 5,416 views | Add comment

This site has been nominated for an indibloggies award in the entertainment category! indibloggies is a website that organizes awards for best Indian blogs in various categories every year.

This has come as a very pleasant surprise and is most certainly a huge morale-booster since I started writing only in September 2006. Certainly motivates me to learn more and write better. If you like what you have been reading here so far, please vote for me.

Please note that the e-mail confirming your registration might go to your spam/bulk folder.

Thanks a ton!

- meeta, a part of the audience

Comments (3)

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There are a couple of reasons, in the shadows -

Time! Watching a movie and writing a review (including the external reviews) takes up about 8-9 hours. Unfortunately, I don't have the time to do this. I would love to, some day, I will...

Though I do watch quite a few English movies, overall I haven't watched many. E.g., I must have seen only about 2-3 Michael Doughlous movies, only 1-2 Anthony Hopkins movies, only 3-4 Spielberg movies. So I am not confident writing about them as yet. Again, may be some day...

Arvind Swarup:


i wrote to you a few days back, asking the same question, remember? Smiles.

I voted for you. i hope you win. all the best. i am circulating this blog to other friends of mine who are movie enthusiasts.



Thanks arvind! I am flattered!

Of course, I hope I win it too. I also hope to live up to the expectations.

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