Movies I enjoyed watching

by meeta | 5 comments | 7,801 views | Add comment

What’s a birthday bash on a review site, if the author doesn’t list the movies she enjoyed the most over the last 52 Fridays? So, here goes -

Taare Zameen Par and Chak De! India completely had me sucked in. I watch an average of 2 movies a week. And for melodrama to get me not only completely involved, but also move me, is something. No, they were certainly not perfect. Who or what can really be? But, if they make me ignore their faults despite being aware of them, what else can a movie buff ask for?

Interestingly, the first review I read of Chak De! India after watching it was this one. I was shocked at the low rating! I was gearing up to face a lot of abuse for liking it. Phew! Soon enough, I found out, I was not the only one to love it.

But, I didn’t have to wait too long for being among the very few to like a movie. A few friends still have a good laugh at me for ‘appreciating’ No Smoking. I still think it is one of the best things to happen to Hindi cinema. I’m not saying it’s perfect. Goodness! I haven’t even understood it completely yet. But, just seeing abstract art on big screen, outside of FTII and the festival circuit was exhilarating. Yeah-yeah, go ahead and blame the course I did over a year ago. As long as it makes me like one more movie!

Johnny Gaddar, Manorama - Six Feet Under, and Aamir belong to one of my favorite genres - THRILLER. Each one of them has a tight script, is well shot, and has brilliant performances.

What were your favorites over these past 12 months?

- meeta, a part of the audience

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My favourites: Aamir, Mithya, Johny Gaddar, Dark Knight and Wall-E. Mumbai Meri Jaan comes close. Yet to watch Manorama and No Smoking, but gut feel says they will make to this list.

I found Chak De India and Taare Zameen Par average. Mileage varies. Just like we differ on Black Friday. I find it brilliant.


Oooh...I liked Dark Knight and Wall E too. I stuck to Hindi movies for this list. Yeah, Black Friday has been a sore point between readers and me...

Sudhir Nair: the last one year i loved Mithya (i know ur not too kicked abt this movie), A Wednesday, MMJ, No Smoking, Jaane Tu..(maybe two yrs down the line i may wonder how i liked this movie).

Dark Knight's an all time awe-inspiring movie.

And many many happy returns of the day to WOGMA..may it many more such years !!


Last 12 months...No smoking (my friends made fun of me too!), TZP, Mithya, A Wednesday, Aamir, MMJ and to an extent UMH (only the second half).


Thanks, Sudhir! Completely agree with you about Dark Knight!! The rest, we know where you and I stand.

Vimal, I keep fighting the 'No smoking' fight. Glad to know I have company.

silvan, there was a lot of crap in UMH but overall I liked what they did in the second half.

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