Follow-up - Water

by meeta | 4,836 views | Add comment

I had seen Deepa Mehta's 'Water' on video a couple of months ago and had written a video review.

The movie is a passionless portrayal of the state of widows in the 1930s. A subject that could have been dealt with a lot more sensitivity. It has some excellent performances (Little Sarala, Seema Biswas) and some just-about-okay ones. But the interdependencies between the characters are not sketched out in detail. And overall, the movie does not make an impact.

The movie has received unwarranted attention due to the social issues it exaggerates and the controversies that entail. I have very intentionally left these out of my review. I chose to not contribute to the hype!

I guess what I am trying to say is that I can't make myself watch it in a theater again and thus we will have to remain satisfied with a video review.

- meeta, a part of the audience

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